One Year Session ~ Spring Flowers and Tutus

I have come a long way on my photography journey. Through the years i have learned what I like to photograph and what I don’t. I do not enjoy photographing newborns so I decided a few years back that I was going to stop doing them. I have never has a regret since. What do I like photographing you ask? Well I have pretty much figured out that my favorite things to photograph is weddings and families. And when I talk about family I talk about families with young children. Sure I love older families too, I don’t have to chase them, tickle them and sweat my face off, but I LOVE little kids! I really love to play with them and get them to laugh and trust us. I love to make them feel like we are having fun and not having photos taken. I love to make my crazy animal signs, throw rocks, make silly faces and go on “adventure walks.” I genuinely love the challenge of getting young children to smile and I really want to focus more and more on child photography in the future. Because I am good at it, I love it, and I want to capture those little ones because they change so drastically in this first few years. With that said some of my favorite ages to photograph is 6 months, 12 months, and the ages of 1-4. They are just so much fun! Here is a one year session with a cake smash at the end. Isn’t she just adorable!?


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